Two opponents approach from behind you. One attacker grabs your right shoulder to spin you around into a right punch. Step toward 6:00 with your right foot and drop into a left knee down lok quei ma, or kneeling horse to duck the punch. Raise your right arm upward to a right wu tau position … [Read more...]
Two Opponents Behind You
Opponents Front and Rear C
The front opponent attacks with a downward club attack to the face.Step forward with the left foot to a ding ji ma. Upward gum jin, or scissors block to trap the opponent’s forearm. Right tau ma, or stealing cross-step forward, then unwind to a sei ping ma position. Hook onto the … [Read more...]
Opponents Front and Rear B
Front opponent throws a right punch to the head, as the rear opponent tries to apply a bear hug free from behind.Left palm slaps the front opponent’s incoming punch to the right. Right four finger jin ji, or arrow fingers strike to the eye. Right dah geuk, or front kick to the groin of the … [Read more...]
Opponents Front and Rear A
As the front opponent does a right punch to the head step forward with your left foot to a ding ji ma. Left palm slap intercepts the punch, guiding it to the right side of your face, as you deliver a right ping tsop, or level fist strike to the throat. Left palm sticks to the opponent’s arm. … [Read more...]
Opponents at Sides C
Step toward 3:00 with your right foot to a sei ping ma. Left poon kiu, or coiling block redirects either a right or left punch from attacker 1 on your right. Right fu jau, or thrusting tiger’s claw to the face and eyes. Left claw guards at the shoulder. Slide the left foot to the right foot … [Read more...]