As you sit cross legged on the ground your attacker comes from the front with a right straight punch to your head.Left palm slaps the incoming punch toward the right. Right tsop chui, or thrusting fist strike to the groin from the sitting position. Left gong jeung, or uppercut palm thrust … [Read more...]
Sitting Cross Legged vs Punch C
Sitting Cross Legged vs Punch B
As you sit cross legged on the ground your attacker comes from your left side at 9:00 throwing any kind of punch to your head.Roll back to your right side toward 3:00 and do a left tsang geuk, or side kick to the attacker’s closest knee. Keep your guards up. (The attacker then grabs … [Read more...]
Sitting Cross Legged vs Punch A
As you sit cross legged on the ground your attacker throws any kind of punch to your head.Roll back to your right side and do a left tsang geuk, or side kick to the closest knee. Keep your guards up. Hook the back of the attacker’s closest knee with your left foot and pull it towards … [Read more...]
Kneeling Defense vs Punch
Duck under the punch as you shoot forward to hook the back of the attacker’s leading heel with both hands cupping one over the other, and pull your shoulder into the attacker’s shin pressuring the leg to throw the attacker backwards to the ground. Use the momentum of the attacker falling down to … [Read more...]
Kneeling Defense vs Right Roundhouse Kick
(Begin in a kneeling position.) Bring the right foot forward so that only the left knee touches the ground. Left kwun kiu and right jit jeung to block the incoming roundhouse kick to the head. Hook the attacker’s leg with your left arm and pull down on the bend of the knee with a right chum kiu, … [Read more...]